Managed Security Services

Securing your network has never been more important than it is today because its not a matter of “If” you will be hacked, its “When!” You can have effective Firewalls and software that blocks known virus and hacking tools but you can’t eliminate the potential for “Stupid” that all human beings posses

Our Services

Security Services

We get fooled by creative techniques and we click on a link in an email that opens the door for hackers. Everyone in your company including Presidents and CIO’s have made the mistake. We can help you build an Incident and Response program that saves your company significant time and resources creating, implementing and managing your Security platform.

Cybercrime Economy Generates
Trillion a Year

Security operations struggle to meet their goals because

64% of companies say they do not have the time
to manage the day-to-day tactical activities.

62% of companies say they lack the staff.
There is a security staffing shortage of over 60,000.

64% say they adopt security as a service
because the rest of their environment is already outsourced.

Forrester (a top Industry Analyst) says “…if you’re spending less than 10% of your IT budget on security, you’re blissfully ignorant. If you’re spending 11-20% or 21-30%, you’re starting to become more aware of what’s happening.”

These are chilling numbers. Unfortunately, many companies are not secure or secure enough. It is a daunting task with 100’s of companies and thousands of services to choose from. Security could easily cost you far more than your company can afford, so it’s important to choose wisely for your specific company needs.

We are here to help you figure out just what that is.

Why is providing security so challenging?

We are experts in dealing with the Carriers and you are experts at running your business.

Security technicians are in demand and there are not enough qualified Security Technicians to fill the void. If you are lucky enough to find someone that meets and exceeds your needs the probability that you will lose them to another company is between 80 to 90%.


Hiring your own Security technicians comes at a price and even marginal techs are costly. That’s what happens when supply doesn’t meet demand.


Hackers are increasing in the US and also internationally. The Internet allows for milllions of additional people to try hacking as a way of making a living. They have 1.5 trillion reason to try and make a living stealing your intellectual property or your customer’s identities. Hacking is a big and profitable business and they are smart and motivated.

What makes McGarry Consulting Group the resource to call?

Let’s face it. Any CEO, CIO, CTO and VP of IT have trouble sleeping whenever they start thinking if they are doing everything they can to eliminate a security breach at their company. Are they doing the right things? Have they budgeted enough money to Security? What are they missing? Where do they find the talent to design, build and maintain the Security they need? We have the answers and the solution.


Our Holistic Approch

We take a more holistic approach to Security and concentrate on the Managed Security Services available from partners who have the resources and products to keep your data safe. Cyber security is not just preventing a breach. It’s more about immediately “Detecting” and then “Responding” to a breach. It’s impossible to eliminate the human element that exists when a person opens an email that they believed from a colleague or customer and then clicks on a link that opens the door for a hacker. We concentrate on providing you with Carriers who specialize in providing Managed Security services and provide proactive network monitoring with software developed with AI and high level security experts manning their Security Operations Centers (SOC) where they detection and then proactively respond to security breaches – allowing you to sleep at night!


Advanced analytics and patented machine learning techniques that identify sophisticated attacks.

24/7 Staff

Certified security experts working 24/7 monitoring your network and reacting in real time to stop security breaches.

Incident Response

Creation, development and implementation of an Incident Response Plan around the well-defined process of your business.

Risk Assessment

Frequent risk and compliance assessments with comprehensive security audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing.

For nearly 20 years, Steve has helped me run a multi-site regional network efficiently and effectively. I have always been able to rely on his deep knowledge of telecom options, trends and technologies. He has leveraged his relationships and industry-insider knowledge to my benefit time and time again. Steve is a true professional that I trust with all of my telecom management.
David B. Fagan
CIO, Bridgeview Bank Group